God's Love is Established Forever

Sermon Proper 8 A All Saints 6-28-20 Jeremiah 28: 5 – 9

Psalm 89: 1 – 4, 15 – 18 Romans 6: 12 – 23 Matthew 10: 40 – 42

God’s Love is Established Forever

This is the 16th Sunday that we have not been worshipping in our beautiful church. SIX-TEENTH!!! When we started all of this, I could not begin to imagine how long the physical distancing would last. That is probably a good thing! I certainly would not have handled the idea of 16 weeks gracefully. Our faith did not start out as a solitary activity. Jesus began His earthly ministry by calling 12 able-bodied, intelligent, adventurous men to travel with Him. For 3 years this group traipsed around Judea and Galilee, attracting numerous others to join them for varying lengths of time. Jesus made disciples of affluent women who used their American Express cards to pay for the travels of Jesus and the Disciples.

These women also did the laundry, prepared the meals and did other housekeeping things for the group. It was within this community of Apostles, disciples, followers and hangers-on that Jesus began His work. He had private times of teaching with the 12 chosen men, did miracles in front of large crowds, and offered sermons to crowds big and small. We know about the life of Jesus and His teachings because of this group of people. Jesus modeled for us both public and private worship.

Jesus went to the local synagogues wherever He found Himself on the Sabbath. Jesus retreated to private prayer in a quiet place, and Jesus created group worship around meals and sermons. He taught us that we need both worship together and worship in our own quiet places. One of the marks of Biblical society is open hospitality, not simply to entertain friends, but as an obligation to take care of strangers. Any stranger was to be fed and housed safely to the best of the host’s ability.

We have modeled our church on gracious hospitality these many years. I remember my first Sunday morning at All Saints just before Christmas 1998. Kent and I were greeted coming into the building and during the peace. We were included in the Coffee Hour. Jamie+ and Dan, Deacon Eddie, and others treated us like we were new friends, not visitors. We had a serious interview with Father Sam not long after because we both wanted to be in an open and inclusive church.

Thanks be to God, we found our place and could grow and serve in this community. These 16 weeks away from our community has been difficult. Sunday mornings without your faces and voices have been strange. Too quiet. My dogs simply do not take the idea of hymns seriously and they pray only for extra treats. But amid our separation, I have learned a few things.

Our hospitality runs deep. You have cared for each other in ways that are natural and personal, and you have kept me up to date on the needs in our community. You have called and checked on me with love and care. You have been faithful to God in the pledges of money and service that you have made. I have often felt lonely, but I have not found myself alone. You have been faithful in your prayers. We finished our Adult Christian Education year with success In our Psalm for today – Psalm 89: 2 – we read:

For I am persuaded that your love is established forever; you have set your faithfulness firmly in the heavens. We as a church of the Lord Jesus Christ – we are established firmly in God’s love just as God’s love is established firmly in the beauty of the universe around us. God created us and placed us in this universe to love and serve God in Jesus Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit. Our hospitality is rooted in this love we share with God. That love planted in us by God Eternal will not run out, will not dry up.

When we return to our place of worship with each other, it will be a true celebration. Until then, whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of God’s beloved children in the name of this community or in the name of Jesus, that person will be blessed by God’s love and mercy.

WE are the church. Separately and together we have the power to help bring the Kingdom of God to this place. We are God’s beloved children in God’s beloved world. My prayer is that we be fully persuaded and comforted by God’s love. Blessed be the glorious name of the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.